C/. del Rosario 9, Elcano - Navarra (+34) 652 622 024 ubidaurreta@gmail.com


RURAL House PAMPLONA. MERTXENEA, in ELCANO, 10 Km from Pamplona

Geographical coordinates: 42 º 49 ´ 69.99 “N-1 º 32 ´ 44.84” O

Rural House Pamplona 10 Km away-Mertxenea

You arrive to Elcano from Pamplona by the road NA-150 to Aoiz, taking the detour in Egüés at Km 10. After Egüés we will soon find the crossroads that give access to the town of Elcano. Coming to this, we cross it and continue along the road that takes to the right to the exit of the town, and right there is Mertxenea, on the right hand side.

Finca de Mertxenea at the exit of Elcano towards Sagaseta

Rural house Pamplona 10 km, Mertxenea

Mertxenea is located in the village of Elcano, which belongs to the Egües Valley. This valley is located in the basin of Pamplona, five kilometres from the city and is formed by a series of small villages distributed throughout its geography.

Town square of Elcano.

It is a small and quiet town, its streets are spacious, its spacious square, it has a beautiful church…

Elcano Church

… And their houses are formed by large stone dwellings, typical of the towns of the Pamplona basin.

Elcano is a large street townand large stone houses

Elcano is a very careful peopleIts streets emanate tranquility

Traditionally it has been an agricultural valley whose inhabitants were dedicated to the tasks of the field. Nowadays it is gaining population, little by little, since many people from Pamplona come to live among us looking for tranquility.

Elcano has ample spaces.

This has hardly changed the calm, peace and paces of our environment. Thus, in the valley we have a series of marked trails that we invite you to visit. Likewise, we indicate a number of establishments in the valley, or in the vicinity, that really are worthwhile, both to go to eat, to buy a good bread, a little txistorra and sausage…

What to do in ELCANO

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